
River's Edge uses two different application processes.


Current Richland High & Hanford High Students wishing to Apply to River's Edge High School will need to fill out the 'Enrolled RSD Students - River's Edge Application' below. Completed applications can be emailed directly to jolee.cottrill@rsd.edu or dropped off at the office Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:00pm. We also have an After Hours Drop Box located just outside of the front office.

Enrolled RSD Students - River's Edge Application

New Student Application

Students who are not currently enrolled in the Richland School District will need to use the New Student Online Application below. Once you have submit your online application please use the link below to complete your initial  program selection and the Student Autobiography.

new student Online application 

Program & Autobiography

Returning REHS Student Request

Previous River's Edge High School Students who wish to reapply will need to use the Returning Student Enrollment Request below. Transfer Requests can be emailed directly to jolee.cottrill@rsd.edu or can be dropped off in office Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:00pm. We also have an After Hours Drop Box located just outside of the front office.

Returning Student Enrollment Request